Archive for April, 2020

mynona (feuille) numéro 2

Monday, April 27th, 2020

le numéro 2 — décembre 2019 — vient de paraître

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mynona (sheet)

Monday, April 27th, 2020









To take a knife, therefore, to the wires of the machine of speech and to cut away at the illusion that a language game corresponding to my internal experience was always already there — if the institution of language is one foundation of the world such as it exists — its sandcastles in which there is no air to breathe — there is a matter of urgency that requires that we also do damage to this institution — and not only it.

mynona (feuille)

Monday, April 27th, 2020

numéro 1 — mars 2019 [épuisé]
mynona (feuille) est imprimée sur presses typographiques – la fabrication d’un numéro nous occupe environ cinq jours, la diffusion des exemplaires est essentiellement postale ; pour toute contribution et pour toute correspondance : lemondeparlafin[at]