Posts Tagged ‘language’

mynona (sheet)

Monday, April 27th, 2020









To take a knife, therefore, to the wires of the machine of speech and to cut away at the illusion that a language game corresponding to my internal experience was always already there — if the institution of language is one foundation of the world such as it exists — its sandcastles in which there is no air to breathe — there is a matter of urgency that requires that we also do damage to this institution — and not only it.

diffusion et distribution MYNONA

Friday, March 8th, 2019

« MYNONA », 2019
[40 pages, 155*190 mm, agrafé]


cinq exemplaires au prix de 10 euros.

deux exemplaires au prix de 5 euros.


un exemplaire au prix de 3 euros. Port compris.
